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So the government came up with this stupid law.


This land these people lived on was full of natural resources, but these people would not cede to the federal government because fuck you. Yeah, no joke, it’s literally called the “Indian Act”. What did the government do? Adopt the Indian Act in 1876. There was a big problem though, you see, this area wasn’t a wasteland there were a lot of First Nations living there, including aboriginal and Métis people. Well, the Canadian government also looked at the west and thought “well fuck, bud, we gotta claim this land”, so they started building a railroad from modern-day Ontario to British Columbia, all the way on the Pacific Coast. The Canadian government freaked out, because this meant they could encapsulate Canada and absorb it into the United States. They had something called “manifest destiny”, where they saw the West as a baren wasteland in need of colonisation by white people. Come the 19th century, bad boy United States was a major threat. First Nations were pushed out of towns slowly but surely. This brought a complete shift in demography all of a sudden, the indigenous (and French) populations were outnumbered by the British. The British came and settled, and the tables really started to turn after the American Revolution a lot of people living in the 13 colonies were faithful to the British Crown and fled North to modern day Canada. French and First Nations traded with each other and created alliances and systems of relations where both parties benefited from each other’s presence.


Secondly, they didn’t know how to survive harsh Canadian winters, the indigenous people helped them with that. First off, they had scurvy the indigenous helped them with that. The first Europeans to come and stay were the French, and they had a lot of issues when they came. Actually, since the arrival of European colonisers in the 16th century, they have been sort of cast aside. Indigenous people of Canada, also refered to as the aboriginal people, have been in the shadows, cast aside, for a very long time in Canadian everyday politics.

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